Elbow Pain and Physiotherapy
Elbow pain may be referred from other parts of your body, such as the neck or shoulder
When we assess your elbow, we don’t just look at the elbow. We step back and take a big picture look at how well your whole body is functioning. Other regions of your body, such as your shoulder, your neck or your wrists, may be impacting. We understand clearly the connections and links between your elbow and the rest of your body.
Achieving optimal elbow function
Our physiotherapists understand how important elbows are in helping you to function optimally throughout your upper limb and body. Reduced elbow function may be due to repetitive activities. Whether it’s golf, tennis, prolonged computer use or even crocheting, we can analyse how you are moving and how to improve your movement, to help you overcome your elbow condition.
Elbows are important in many ways
Elbows are so important for so many movements your perform, to turning doorknobs to turning a tap on and off to lifting a kettle to swinging a golf club. When we assess elbows, we “lift up the hood of the engine and take a detailed look at the engine” rather than “fixing up the red warning light on the dashboard”.
Treat the cause as well as the symptoms
We don’t just treat the symptoms. We treat the cause. We don’t just treat the muscle, we correct the function. We will provide you with evidence based treatment and rehabilitation techniques, to get your elbow functioning optimally.