Clinical Pilates
What is Clinical Pilates?
Clinical Pilates is an exercise approach that aims to “switch on” nerves and muscles that control the way you move, thus allowing you to move and function better. The exercises improve overall function, stability, balance and posture.
Our aim is to get you moving the way you were “Born to Move”
Clinical Pilates is highly effective in improving the way you move. Not only do we get you moving well, we constantly measure and evaluate the effectiveness of what we do. In that way, you see and feel the improvements in your movement all the way through our programmes.
Clinical Pilates Programs are individually customised
Our Physiotherapists assess and analyse the way you move and function using highly specialised assessment techniques that have been developed through years of practice. Based on your results your specific individualised exercises will be established. We will bring to you the latest movement concepts to ensure that you start to move so much better than you had before.
Clinical Pilates at CWP reflects world’s best practice.
At Complete Wellness Physiotherapy, we have assembled a team of Physiotherapists with the specialised skills and expertise to deliver the best clinical Pilates programme on offer anywhere in Perth.
Clinical Pilates at CWP is innovative and different, fresh, cutting edge, “Out of the box”
Moz Quinn, our principal, was the first certified Pilates clinician in Western Australia and is the most experienced physiotherapist in Perth in the field of clinical Pilates.
Moz, has been developing his expertise in clinical Pilates over the last 15 years. Since 2007, he has been very involved in presenting on clinical Pilates courses that train physiotherapists in the clinical Pilates method throughout Australia and overseas. His expertise is second to none and he has highly specialised skills in this area.
Moz has developed his clinical Pilates approach beyond the boundaries that other physiotherapists use, to incorporate the most recent movement approaches from movement experts from around the world. Moz is constantly attending courses to bring to you the most cutting edge care, to ensure that you get better quickly.
At CWP you are attending “World’s best practice” clinical Pilates
At Complete Wellness Physiotherapy, our clinical Pilates approach is very different. At Complete Wellness Physiotherapy in Kalamunda, you will get the highest level of care and expertise in Clinical Pilates.