Shoulder Pain & Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy is excellent for treating shoulders
Our physiotherapists are highly trained in the management of shoulder pain and dysfunction. We understand not only the complexity of the shoulder, but what it takes to get your shoulder functioning at its best. Understanding the shoulder helps us make the treatment and rehabilitation process simple.
Pain free shoulder function is the first aim
The shoulder has to have full pain free mobility in order to function optimally. With shoulder pain, the muscles around your shoulder will be unbalanced. Some will be overworked and tight, others will be underworked and weak. This muscle imbalance will be contributing to your loss of function and resultant pain.
Correct muscle sequencing is essential
To get the shoulder functioning well, you have to rehabilitate the shoulder in such a way that the muscles around the shoulder are switching on in the correct sequence. We understand how to do this and will teach you the most up to date evidence based rehabilitation exercises.