Moz Quinn
Principal Physiotherapist
Moz has the specialised hands on and rehabilitation skills to ensure that you will make a complete recovery from your injury.
Moz established his clinic in Kalamunda in 2004. Originally named “Moz Quinn Physiotherapy”, it evolved into “Complete Wellness Physiotherapy”. Today it is a vibrant clinic, a centre of excellence in the provision of physiotherapy and clinical Pilates.
Moz has assembled a high quality team of physiotherapists who receive the highest standard of training, to ensure that they remain at the forefront of delivering specialised patient care to the Kalamunda community.
Moz‘s passion for clinical Pilates and physiotherapy is unparalleled. He has been involved in the training of physiotherapists in clinical Pilates since 2007, and in 2014 Moz became one of the first certified Clinical Pilates Clinicians in Australia.
He attends many physiotherapy and clinical Pilates courses every year and brings to the clinic and his patients the most current and evidence based trends. His treatments and exercise programs are at the cutting edge of clinical practice in physiotherapy and clinical Pilates.
Moz is passionate about Sports Physiotherapy and sport in general. He has worked with amateur and professional athletes across many sports, including AFL, rugby union, cycling, hockey and tennis. Complete Wellness Physiotherapy has sponsored sporting clubs in Kalamunda over the years, including Netball, Hockey, Rugby Union, Ballet and AFL.