Our team is dedicated to helping our clients

“Our aim is to help people get back to being healthy and to the activities that they love doing. Our client outcomes are excellent. Our programmes integrate cutting edge research and we use the most up to date and state-of-the-art equipment. “

Moz Quinn, Principal Physiotherapist

Moz Quinn

Moz Quinn

Principal Physiotherapist

Moz has the specialised hands on and rehabilitation skills to ensure that you will make a complete recovery from your injury.

Moz established his clinic in Kalamunda in 2004. Originally named “Moz Quinn Physiotherapy”, it evolved into “Complete Wellness Physiotherapy”. Today it is a vibrant clinic, a centre of excellence in the provision of physiotherapy and clinical Pilates.

Moz has assembled a high quality team of physiotherapists who receive the highest standard of training, to ensure that they remain at the forefront of delivering specialised patient care to the Kalamunda community.

Moz‘s passion for clinical Pilates and physiotherapy is unparalleled. He has been involved in the training of physiotherapists in clinical Pilates since 2007, and in 2014 Moz became one of the first certified Clinical Pilates Clinicians in Australia.

He attends many physiotherapy and clinical Pilates courses every year and brings to the clinic and his patients the most current and evidence based trends. His treatments and exercise programs are at the cutting edge of clinical practice in physiotherapy and clinical Pilates.

Moz is passionate about Sports Physiotherapy and sport in general. He has worked with amateur and professional athletes across many sports, including AFL, rugby union, cycling, hockey and tennis. Complete Wellness Physiotherapy has sponsored sporting clubs in Kalamunda over the years, including Netball, Hockey, Rugby Union, Ballet and AFL.

Philipa Seth


Philipa is very excited to be joining our Kalamunda practice and brings a wealth of experience to our team. She is a Curtin University graduate (2015) and has gained close to 3 years experience working rurally in Collie and Harvey. She has an enthusiasm for clinical Pilates & Sports Physiotherapy, which works hand in hand with her passion for AFL football and touch rugby.

She is absolutely passionate about being a Physiotherapist and her ability to get her patients back to full function, so that they can function optimally, not only in their chosen sport, but in their everyday lives.

In her spare time, she enjoys getting outdoors, socialising and recreational mountain bike riding.

Leigh Hobday

Leigh Hobday


Leigh studied physiotherapy at the University of Sydney and worked for 6 years at St Vincent’s Hospital Darlinghurst where she first started using Clinical Pilates. She gained a wide variety of experience working across all areas of the hospital, including working as the physiotherapist in the Emergency Department which is one of the busiest in Sydney.

Since moving to Perth, Leigh has worked at Royal Perth Hospital and continues to use Clinical Pilates to treat and manage a wide range of clinical conditions. She has a particular interest in chronic pain, joint hypermobility, autonomic dysfunction and the non surgical management of ACL injuries. She has a strong passion for teaching and education, particularly making sure that her patients understand the underlying cause or contributing factors to their pain or condition.

Leigh has a passion for yoga and physical culture (or “physie”), two activities which has made her appreciate “moving well”. Leigh loves being a physiotherapist to help get people back into life!

Julia Huntley

Julia Huntley


Julia is the most recent addition to our team. She grew up in Kalamunda, and as such feels very connected with the Perth Hills Community. She graduated from Curtin University in 2012 and since then has worked throughout the Kimberley and in Sydney in private practice and aged care roles, before returning to Perth in 2017.

Julia is a fully trained Clinical Pilates Physiotherapist, and like all of our Physiotherapists, trained with Dance Medicine Australia. Her practice of clinical Pilates and Physiotherapy is fully integrated, and she uses clinical Pilates to its full potential, particularly in the management of patients who have hypermobility and chronic pain presentations.

Julia is passionate about making a positive impact on her patients’ lives, health and wellbeing. With an emphasis on helping people better understand their condition, she utilises goal focused rehabilitation strategies drawing on extensive training in exercise rehabilitation and clinical Pilates.

Julia firmly believes in physical activity as a way of life, and this translates into her everyday lifestyle and professional practice. She believes in enabling clients with the skills for ongoing self-care whilst maximising quality of life and independence. Julia’s expertise lies in empowering clients to self-manage the most complex of health conditions by connecting them with the latest research and manageable strategies to implement into daily routine to achieve physical and emotional wellness.

Julia is committed to ongoing professional development and has further diversified her skills in completing post graduate training in dry needling, as well as courses in women’s health and geriatrics.

We help you understand what is happening to your body by providing effective holistic treatment with a program to move well again

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